
Beats by Dre Electroplating oHad better how

, As for oneself just in brief picked a few green vegetableses and then sat one side, substitute and eat voraciously of the man pour tea, clip meat and pick a sting and see the gastronome on all sides don't already envy, that very hot vision, almost can let this table with don't know "host" Ran of romantic feeling into an ashes.
Probably is the selfishness for showing to do mischief, this meal, fully ate a many hours.After being fully satisfied, stone not the language shake folding fan, touch belly and once call a small Erh-chieh debt.
"Guest officer, 123 money silvers."That is small two first see eye orchid Rong, just the Gong waist says with smile to him.
"Have ever beaten to fold?"
"Gaffe ……" stone not the language almost want to speak to have a preferential ticket, embarrassed on smiling, explore to go into a bosom, suddenly of a Jiang.
"Childe, how?"
"Younger sister, can you nearby have silver?"He is some Rongs that narrow-mindedly looking at an orchid, wait until to see the other party to also lightly shake head, not from at heart a sink.These dates come, the silver of body already the detailed is used up and had already become accustomed to Li Yuan's subordinate the check again, suddenly alone today, a while but forget to change some ground silvers to twoth, use.
Is small two see a form, also understand for several cents, incredibly start to keep a waist, slightly take to laugh at tone:"Guest officer?"
I am previously wrong, don't dare to blame the other party attitude as well not right:"Is sorry, but I forgot, there is nearby no ground silver."
"Have no silver have no silver, seek what lend."Just this world over of small two, it is a bad person to seem to be in 10 to pour 9, " sees a your Si cultured text and incredibly has overlord's meal!This miss heel you, be really ……"
"Miao Miao of!"Stone not language immediately big Wu, no wonder that the attitude is bad imitate a Buddha this wine shop is government operated general, dare the feeling is to see orchid Rong thus wait upon oneself, rather uncomfortable in the heart.
"How?Looking at me to do what!To don't go to a Ya door we this is that Yang Lin Da Dun's king is direct jurisdiction."
"Roll!"If press the stone language the temperament in the past listenned to this words not, only afraid have already started malicious beat that bastard up.However, from experienced vapor trail is one matter, invisible in, act towards people generous many.
He also motionless annoys, tiny tiny on smiling, take out Zhang Jin's leaf from the beard Mi quit, throw the other party in front, "boy, see clear, I I am afraid you this small store seek not to open!"
That is small two only afraid get one eye, immediately surprised shout a way:"Gold, golden?"
"Useless talk, this childe of silver dislikes to weigh."
"BE!BE!"That is small two don't dare to talk more again, admire a waist and then walk,Beats by Dre Electroplating, rush two, suddenly stopped a body.
"How again?"
"Childe, you there is official seal on this gold leaf."
"Boon?"Not the stone language gathers together to pass by a to see, indeed as expected, up print how many unclear record of writings, " how?Have official seal of can not use?"
"Do not dare!Don't dare!"Small two airses peculiarly saw his one eye and had already in a hurry gone.
"Miao Miao of, the tiger doesn't make effort and take me for hellokitty!"
"Should can't hold a mint of money to sneak away ……" waited one pillar joss-stick time, the store is small two still keep having never come back, stone not the language start regretting, why want one gold the leaf all hand over to him.
Then at this time, the down stairs suddenly spreads one neigh person shout, after, a short moment's stairs is a burst of to loudly move, several Ya services press the knife blunt go upstairs, the gastronome frighteneds and starts to spread to go in succession, the not so bad Ya service has never taken into to obstruct.
"Childe ……" orchid Rong is some to is taken by surprise, dynasty body side the after death shrinking of the man shrink.
Not the stone language knows that she is widely worried that hunts for, hurriedly the Lan wears her soft track:"Stop worrying!Can't aim at yours."
Indeed as expected, these Ya services have never realized orchid Rong at all and go around and inspect for a week, severals catch a head and press the waist knife path to keep going into ……stone not language in front.
"Friend, your business made and followed us an encounter."Take the lead among them of a say thus.
"What did the matter make?"
"Do not pack a garlic!Still want me to cautiously speak that 1 time lets you listens to?"
"Had better however."
"Break wind!"That person is heavily great anger, strike the thing in the hand on the table, settle Jing to hope to go, but is exactly that gold leaf.
"This, the good elephant is mine."
"Are you willing to recognize?"
"Useless talk!It originally is my money."
"Is very good!That leaves with us."
"You still pack!"
"I have no!"
"See this official seal on the gold having no?"
", How?"
"Read out!"
"Ascend, state, mansion."Not the stone language recognized for a long time, " that again how?"
"That again how?"That catches a head to pour to take a suck at an air conditioner, " you robbed Wang Gang, dared to also take gold to come out a flower and admired!"
Not"what king ……" stone language cold stare turns over a half and suddenly thinks of one matter.
"Miao Miao of!Li Yuan, your this bastard!"
"Two a life times behave all don't the such power and prestige lead!"
Escort in at least several hundred Ya services under, stone not language and Jia Lian are 2 people, vastly and mightily march forward fore go toward powerful supporter Wang Fu's journey in.Surroundings of the common people rounded one and other, see their meaning, seem to really hope a certain and preoccupied look man, can yell severals"the head dropped however bowl big Ba, Lao Tze is a good brave fellow after 18 years!"
The "childe, we want don't……" orchid Rong desire talks again, lightly say in his ear.
"Temporarily don't , I not think hereafter take the wanted's brand to go out forever."
"But ……"
"Be free of and printed the gold of official seal much to go to,all rob."
Say words, 2 people didn't feel walk nearly half of two-hour period and waited until to in the moment appear a fully have several hundred acres of official residences of farm lands, just realize on the tip of powerful supporter Wang Yang Lin's site.
"Indeed as expected not the Kui is ……nowadays the emperor's uncle, this official residence, only afraid spread in each inch land many golds!"Go to go all the way, all the way visit, stone not language not from such of the Ze Ze praise highly a way.
"Bumpkin!"The Ya service of flank says with smile, the tone is very proud of, " this however is our eldest brother's king of don't the hospital is just!"
"Miao Miao of, go bad too much!Want to necessarily don't pare off less taxes squeezed out of the people."
"Talk nonsense!"A few Ya services at the same time Nu way, " eldest brother's king garrisons a square, for ascend a state deportation sea thief several years, your Anne dare such impoliteness!"
"Slice!"Stone not the language soft-voiced Du is several Rangs.The desire adds of achievement, besides have no Ci, be the thinking of officer add some achievement for he or she but is most easy however.For example go to work time to read newspaper, on common employee call mistake main profession not;In leading a body, be explained for"have a foothold local people's livelihood, collect an information everywhere."

The text chapter 83 careless princess
Renew time:2010-7-129:55:04 chapter word numbers:3969

Probably because his calumny, a few Ya services at after of send away under guard process in stupid many, speech also less and less polite, after waiting until to follow a big hall, their path keeps stone not the language go toward in the center on pushing, then the Su permits wreath to wait on or so, again have no smiling face the least bit.
It is an orchid Rong to pour, because grow the relation of having mercy on Chu Chu, incredibly someone moves to a stool to invite her to sit down to stop for rest ……see another prisoner is touching don't request sexual equality already and severely.
Is just aggrieved, listens to behind number the drum ring, a burst of step voice spreads, the present Ya service immediately raises head and chest out and does a facial expression that heroic bearing thrives, stone not the language is also some to curiously stare big eyes, intends careful lo lo, this was long to enjoy the powerful supporter king of great reputation to exactly once have the person's place.
However, at under a moment, be this somebody at under escorting of a few bodyguardses, from the screen after appear, the man but 1 who concentrate on stumbles and almost falls down in the ground.
"Woman?"Stone not the language startled wreath attend to on all sides and look for an answer, at present although this young man is dressed in officer's tunic, the whole body male attires, however the thin eyebrow cherry inset on the oval face lips, exposed her sex very obviously.
In addition, what to have to admit BE, this woman if make change the words of ladys' wear, also calculate up feminine beauty moving beauty ……as for this dresses up now, Hey Hey, but also easily arouse the male's crime mind.
"Rascal, you see what see!"Drive stone not language brightly of the vision tightly stare at, the cheeks of the other party white jade sort not from tiny and red, haven't sat quietly then a frailty voice to drink a way, but voice is such as golden oriole valley general of the circumlocution is moving.
Can only cherish, but the man of her in front is always open to persuasion but not to coercion, see the other party such tone, then inclined eyes return a shot way:"The tube tube ground in the sky, also take care of a person to go toward where see?"
The both sides Ya service together and together changes countenance and drinks a way at the same time:"Brave, unexpectedly dare to princess impoliteness, also kneel down not and quickly and quickly."
"Princess?"Stone not the language was tiny to eat a surprised, " is also Related articles:

