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Pepper spray has become a very popular, effective, yet humane means of providing personal defense. It is important to understand how to use pepper spray in order to effectively ward off any perpetrators.

Also known as oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray, the active ingredient in security spray is a chemical that is derived from plants in the Capsicum genus, which includes hot peppers. The resulting chemical is called capsaicin.

Using pepper spray, in addition to personal defense, include riot control, defense against animals such as dogs and bears, and crowd control. When you proper understand how to use pepper spray, the effects of the safety spray include tearing of the eyes, pain, and possibly temporary blindness.

How to Use Pepper Spray Effectively :

In terms of self defense, pepper spray is normally disbursed from an aerosol canister that can easily be carried on a keychain, in a pocket, or in a purse. How to use pepper spray most effectively revolves around aiming for the attacker eyes. While the residual mist from security spray deployment may induce some of the symptoms associated with it, the substance needs to make full contact with the attacker face in order to work the most effectively,www.headphones-fashion.com.

The Effects of Pepper Spray :

The power of how to use pepper spray resides in its aftereffects. Pepper spray is an irritant that is also inflammatory. This safety spray will usually cause the eyes to close immediately and begin tearing. Other mucous membranes are also affected, including the sinuses. The nose will normally begin to run and the nasal passages may experience a burning sensation as well. The recipient of the pepper spray will have an irritated respiratory system that normally induces coughing and difficulty breathing.

After pepper spray has been applied, the recipient may experience temporary blindness. This usually passes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes after the pepper spray deployment. Coughing fits, body spasms, and difficulty breathing will usually subside after three to 15 minutes. Eye irritation can last from 15 to 30 minutes, and other effects including burning of the skin may last up to an hour. Residual effects may be felt for several hours when you understand how to use pepper spray effectively.

Neutralizing the Effects :

Pepper spray is a highly effective substance that can be used against an attacker to facilitate escape. Due to the nature of pepper spray, it is not unusual for others in the area to also be affected by the substance. This includes the person who has deployed the pepper spray. Understanding how to use pepper spray includes knowing how to neutralize the security spray effects on yourself.

If you use pepper spray against a potential assailant, try to remember to run away from the direction in which you just deployed your pepper spray. Running towards the assailant, or even off to one side of him, will likely mean you will run through the pepper spray loud.?If this happens, you will experience the effects of the pepper spray, although not as strongly as the person who has been sprayed directly. Knowing how to use pepper spray includes understanding how to position your own body.

If you are feeling the effects of pepper spray, blink vigorously to encourage the eyes to produce tears. Use a mild detergent or soap and plenty of fresh water to cleanse the skin. The active ingredient in pepper spray is contained in an oily carrier base, so water alone will not entirely remove pepper spray from the skin. Any oily substance such as vegetable oil or Vaseline can also be used to remove pepper spray from the skin. Apply cold substances such as ice to provide relief, and get plenty of fresh air.

Knowing how to use pepper spray powerfully can save your life. Remember, aim for the eyes of the assailant and ensure that your body is not running in the direction of your safety spray. When you keep this information in mind, you understand how to use pepper spray to best protect you from perpetrators. Related articles:

