
Beats By Dr Dre Studio es Be getting more p

The quick whole body shivers and hope me trembling not only, unexpectedly and really cried.Certainly, she was frightenned to cry now!
I once the knife accept and sink a track:"Immediately after cry, don't stop!"Then quickly walk to arrive rather a life time of nearby, a pull next receive the plastics cloth on him.
Rather a life times aren't ordinary people, although eyes didn't see, but respond all of a sudden to come over under the heart, light tone way:"You are ……" I did to forbid voice and signal once again, way:"The circumstance is very urgent, I didn't understand to release.In a word you want to escape, don't ask so many!"
Rather a life times double eye a bright, ordered to nod, light tone way:"Thank!"The my hand rises knife to fall and cut off the tie of his under charge, way:"I need you to do a matter now!"Rather a life times really have everyone the manner and deeply absorbed tone, activity for a while hand and foot, ask a way:"You say!"
I turn a head to took a look to pour on the ground of old five, to rather a life time way:"Help to drag about him, think way his blood live!"Rather a life times are tiny on noding, basically even why didn't ask, come over here right away, drag along old five corpseses to move to come over.
Looking at his appearance of hand and foot hemp benefit, in my heart can not help sighing for a while.This guy isn't the common run of people either of, next don't don't say in this kind of urgent time, face a corpse incredibly even the slightest frightened felling also has no.
Rather a life times see my facial expression and seem to guess my meaning, unexpectedly low say with smile:"I am majoring in neurosurgery in the foreign country!"My Song shrugs shoulders, heart descend just for it release however.Rather a life times side drags along a side to my way:"Put on the chair?"
"Cleverness!"I am tiny tiny on smiling, signal hint him old five of put at rather a life times are originally bound of the chair up.I not and personally do all these and pour not for loafing on job, just don't think being stained with blood on the hand.Because I still have a lot of more importance more troublesome matter want something to do!
At rather as a life times are putting a corpse, I have already re- sought a piece the plastics cloth be spread ground up, again from have been already been optimistic about of the corner of the room bottom hold a big saw an end to come over, the Sa is in the plastics cloth and old five corpseses drag along of the blood scar up.The words that don't open the door, very black here and very mess, if someone comes in, the momentary could not realize this kind of small variety.Besides I also have much of self-confidence to own knife method and know this knife although the life that wanted him, the wound goes to not big.Can'ting make him flow Bi is too many.But always need to cover up for a while, so as not to expose hoof also!
If Chen is quick to be crying and lookinging at us to drag along to tidy up environment, unexpectedly favour frightened, even cried a voice to also start an interest down, had some to not and apprehensiblely hope toward us.
I am cold to see her one eye, light tone way:"See what, also the help immediately after cries!Make a point voice again to ring!"Chen if is quick to shiver to ask:"I, how should I do!"
Depending in my heart is a , again not explain that I need your making to order is raped of struggle and hoarse excitements even don't relate to.As long as doing not make the person of outside listen to one is abnormal good.Is rather on the contrary a life times very dispassion, toward Chen if quick way:"You imagine you are trying very hard to flounder now good, shout don't !"
If Chen is a little bit quick to nod, breathed heavily several tones and still kept calling to come out not.I am just preparing to say to call to come out not even if.She but suddenly a scream, almost don't give us a fright, but is originally old five just was put suddenly slanting in the corpse on the chair poured a dynasty part, let her frighten all of a sudden exclaim.
"Will this effect!Keep on struggling!"I encouragement way.Then an old five took coat and mask of blood to take off down.Then use his corpse plastics cloth to cover up, disguise as just and rather a life times are bound of appearance.Threw the coat and the mask to rather a life times, sank a track:"Match for a while, I want to open the door, they may outside the door, I not thought to be seen you by their one eye don't work!Is understand?"
If Chen is quick to return what all not understand, Zheng big eyes, Be just strange tunnel:"You, you is who, do you exactly want to do what?"
Rather a life times are intelligent persons, ordered to nod right away.I also need not then explaining with him is more, on flicking, hand's sneer way:"More the outrage is more good, turn head to apologize again not late!"Rather a life time in this kind of nervous time, incredibly also dynasty once I smile, then shook to shake head, seemed to feel that I really ain't general madness.
"Is sorry!"Rather a life times cover with to put on old five coat and maskses, if dynasty Chen is lightly quick way a , then deep deep breathing several bottoms, just caught Chen all of a sudden if quick arm, press her again all of a sudden at tool machine up.
If Chen is quick after all is a female kid, early be a chain ofly frightenned to frighten by this had no assertion, now see a life times a line rather and suddenly and strong oneself press on the tool machine, the hands make to pull their own postures, not from of one bellow,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, loudly way:"Don't ah!Don't rape me!"
"Good!"What I wanted is this effect!See a future life idea persons all do anticipating of movie star!I tidied up own clothes for a while, afresh check for a while mask, make sure a body up don't splash blood stain, this just way:"If a short while someone comes in, oneself is careful!"Then I open a door all of a sudden and walked to go out, if Chen inside the door quickly bellows to spread unclearly.
Indeed as expected have no my anticipate, old seven with old eight at over against place with far more than ten rices in the door, positive dynasty mansion edge the bottom hope next explore to see.Hear the door ring and return right away overdo.If just didn't play such a drama, also really may be seen by them at the moment opening the door in have no action.
Is old seven ha ha on smiling, hope a way inside the door:"I depend, old five incredibly even the pants don't take off as well, really thinking own 屌 is long."Is old eight also one face bitchy tunnel:"Your little girl calls still true Sao, listen to Lao Tze all all over Yang Yang."
Is old seven hoped my one eye, the Hey Hey said with smile:"How, old six, be not also can not stand old five, incredibly come out!"I the stem coughed for a while afresh, with a kind of deep and low hoarseness voice dynasty old 8:"Is old five make you see eldest brother to have to become angry."
"**, He arrives great, start to direct Lao Tze to come!"Old 8.Is old seven ha ha on smiling, pushed him a , way:"You go to!Who make you are small!"Is old eight scolded a voice to hold once again, malicious stare the cabin is one eye, this just slowly there round to pass by to the building hall.
It is shouted in my heart the ground loosenned tone and looking at old eight round past, this just to old seven hanged up to hang up a hand, signaled hint him to come over.Old seven Lengs for a while, far and far ask a way:"Why?"I on smiling, Hey Hey's way:"Come over and then know!"Is old seven shook to shake head, way:"Depend, cluster P ah, Lao Tze has no you to pull so egg!You have to like to seek old eighth, , he early suppresses Be getting more panic."
I recruit once again, way:"Come over!"Is old seven depend a , on the hand make weapons, way:"The dead doesn't come over as well, Lao Tze doesn't like this!"
Sneer at in my heart, you lead however come to all have to be dead!Is or so on seeing have no others, also can not consider of this Be getting more, the path keeps a dynasty, he walks.Is old seven just Leng for a while, I already a Ye lead him, hard trail him to walk to the cabin.
Old 7:"I really don't like this kind of, don't pull by force me!"I can ignore so many, in the hand on adding a strength, have already been hard to drag along to come over he.Is old seven struggled for a while, hoped toward my Nu way:"Mama of, someone rapes, which someone coerce having sex!"
His eyes suddenly touch my look in the eyes all of a sudden, not from stunned speechless for a while, by this time I leave him really too near, very obvious, he has already what's wrong and vigorously felt of place, on the mouth of a move.I where will give him any opportunity to yell, the point of a knife that knead tightly in the hand arrived his neck all of a sudden and sank a track:"You not want to die and then call call try!"
The old 71 times is understand to come over, tremble, way:"You aren't ……" once my point of a knife arrive and have already thrust home his Mao.Then a draw back a door, arrived him to re- enter cabin.
Rather a life times return all of a sudden overdo, I sink a track:"Is me!"Is old seven suddenly also have found this old five incredibly is not old either five, not from suddenly on flapping, I where will to the opportunity that he escape, now that cheated to come in, which also let Related articles:

