
beats by dre solo relationresultThis

It is a splitting headache ,it suffered from a master knowledge of God attacks in general ,let him have a breakdown and despair .relationresultAwkwardto divine consciousness from the resorption of ring evacuated ,Qin days if already sweating sweat ,they grow cold ,and even a little want to bite bone ring to throw away ,but think of the soul in the resorption of ring to give himself seriously ,and resorption of ring out of the strange power ,Qin Tianzong still bear the nature carefully study the hands of the resorption of ring .
relationresultSoon,Qin Yao longitudinal discovered Bonechewer ring another characteristic ,that is ,bone ring in continuously towards their in vivo input strange powers at the same time, it attracts the ambient air of certain things ,although this absorption speed is very slow ,but Qin Tianzong still keenly aware the .
relationresultAs Qin Tianzongcontinues to be familiar with Bonechewer ring characteristics ,a fierce fight the sound suddenly came from the front ,indistinct ,Qin Tianzong heard the bones of the venerable Li sound ,and iron ox-tractor big roar .
relationresultIsn group of people strong already overtook the bones of venerable a pedestrian ? Qin Tianzong came from heaven and earth body ,bead show body .relationresultWhen Qin Tianzongcame from heaven and earth beads ,only to hear pa sound crisp sound ,or it just Qin vertical-day vault Qiankun array becomes to a pile of debris .
relationresultQindays if looked at the ground dark colorless fragments ,he couldn shaking his head ,his face the look .relationresultInitially in theAustrian black space from Li Ke to grab the hands of the universe black pearl ,Qin days if the belief that he had a life of magic, he is excited for a long time ,just when he had Qian Kunzhu told Yang Mingfeng Zhang ancestors and Weixing ancestor ,it encountered as a the cold water basin .
relationresultThe real Qian Kunzhuis indeed a masterpiece of magic, but too black is a Santa baby, the reason for it, too black hands of Qian Kunzhu is not authentic, and imitation, although too black heaven beads can temporarily to provide protection to the space ,but each time the urgent too black Qiankun beads ,department must spend a lot of demon crystal or spar ,awfuller is ,too black heaven beads and only five use restrictions .
relationresultQindays if that has a restriction on its use ,it was the loss of Santa Baby psychological preparation ,so to see the universe bead Granville fragments ,although the heart feel pity, not too bad, he soon converge toward the bones of mind ,sage bedroom direction rush .
relationresultQin Tianzongplan was simple ,the dry bones Thera is not easy to deal with ,he now went to the aid of bones of the venerable ,has not helped ,but there may again be used by the sort of respect ,should take this opportunity to search the sage bones within the collection .
relationresultThis time againstthe dry bones to help people strength although no previous deal with bones help that a group of the master ,but do not stop this one too many people, so the dry bones help dissolution is inevitable .
relationresultQin Tianzong knows that,after today ,the Bone Witch city does not necessarily have a place to live in and bones bones help ,help in the Bone Witch City operating for more than 10 years wealth ,beats by dre solo,must also be all coveted and encroach upon the object .
relationresultThe advantage of cheap others ,rather than own cheap ! Qin Tianzong is not only the memory of Ouyang Xiangdong to help more bones ,venerable active throw down jade Jane ,not like other people like that as a fly without head general everywhere, search for bones left in the Bone Witch City wealth occupy a great advantage .
relationresultReadbones of venerable insidious ,Qin days if the bones of venerable threw his jade Jane always cautious attitude ,fear of bones of venerable using their own greed in jade Jane tamper ,so he simply for jade most of the labeled with the treasure, he would be careless with ,only with Ouyang Xiangdong memory confirm place ,he will go to see it .
relationresultAndQin Tianzong after browsing the jade Jane in all content ,he will not hesitate to put jade Jane to crush ,not to the bones of venerable monitor their own opportunities .
relationresultLikethe treasure house of human ,to build on the ground ,but the Malay ,but with the human ,is not the same, Malay monks have to build in the treasure room underground ,bones to help the precious cabinet of Tibet one entrance is bones was venerable beds .
relationresultDominate theBone Witch city ten years ,and control of Ji Wu ruins only import and export ,which let the bones to help the precious cabinet of Tibet in the oil flow ,but the matter is urgent ,Qin Tianzong was not to look for the treasure house of bones of what kind of good stuff ,he is quick to throw off his wJ storage rings, then quickly towards the underground secret passage direction .
relationresultQin Tianzongonly vaguely remember, be yourself into the storage ring ,not only with a large number of spar ,there are many ancient ruins of the herb with ore ,which was shocked to have Yao and the tomb of the spar lotus two things .
relationresultAlong the way,Qin Tianzong found countless human realm ,meaning bodies ,there are some seriously injured the human realm ,be at one - friar ,let Qin day vertical relief, Qin days if never found Tieniu or Qin blood et al .
relationresultAminute after the Kung Fu ,Qin days if finally saw the bones of the venerable party figure, the sage has led you sort of proud day party back into the given the ruins ,the venerable, strict meaning bones ,Jun Tian ,although be thrown into a panic ,but after the bones of venerable after the group the human realm ,meaning is not much to .
relationresultOriginallythere are hundreds of human meaning monk venerable realm after bones of a pedestrian, but has been Qin Tianzong and bones you start underground secret passage to the authorities after the prohibition ,deceased humans ,too many to count the realm ,leaving only an Austrian monk and three Austrian entry exit with the bones in the venerable monk et al .
relationresultAlthough the humanrealm ,meaning only four are still standing ,but as the bones of venerable quality drop, this four people is enough to kill the venerable, strict meaning bones ,Jun Tian ,iron ox-tractor and Qin blood a pedestrian ,after all sort of venerable party, practice strict meaning the highest and bones the venerable two individuals ,only Austrian entry levels .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 337th chapter wantonly claw .relationresultAfter listening tosoul inflammatory words ,Qin Yao longitudinal such as lightning ,he never dreamed that ,because of their fancy ,let his father into the passive ,he thought a seamless heavenly robe ,already outwitted the bones of the venerable .
. , relationresultThe soul of old ,since you heard my father with the bones of the venerable dialogue ,why don to remind my father say ,let him courteously but without sincerity ,don sort of venerable produced ? A long silence ,Qin Yao longitudinal excitedly asked .
relationresultwas in the thousands of miles away, to divine consciousness to cover the Bone Witch city has very reluctantly ,thousands of miles to knowledge of God is a little embarrassed the sound .
The soul of arthritis see Qin days if one eye ,face flashed a disappointment ,he had said : if you do something wrong ,but put the blame on others ,you always can . , relationresultQin Tianzongheard this one, he is aware of their excitement, I was wrong, that all errors are caused by their own fancy ,with no relationship with soul ,on the contrary, the soul of arthritis to tell yourself that things ,does not have ,instead ,how he can blame the soul .
?relationresultSorry ,my soul and old ,is also worried about his father ,that feeling out of control .You have any good suggestions ? Inflammatory remarks to call up by soul ,Qin days if suddenly regained his senses ,he respectfully with soul for tract inflammation .
relationresultSeeQin vertical-day Zhicuojiugai arthritis ,soul look on his face that looks a bit, he hands out ,conjuring generally took out a ring ,the ring is made from bones ,emitting Related articles:

