
dr dre beats Lei sits far some

Soft?!Beat and then beat!"
The other a few influences bigger head of group also responds to in succession, those small head of groups then basically have no a necessity speech, city center of should to measure so settle come down.
Is the blunt king who praises very much fox loyalty too extremity nod, this one young man in the city center inside, also true have no severals can can go into his eye.Isn't a violence to have no brain too much, is the y ī n Sen is distrustful too much, only this king has mind's eye too very, but performance come out of again can't recruit a person tedium.
As for contact the representative director of assistant also settle come down, receive insect and green noodles monster once had and then is been responsible for green Long Tang's contact by him.Anyway big frame the frame be all settled down, also being not afraid of to receive an insect, the the guy with no brain will suffer a los.
But the king then go too very with blunt cannon in the sky meet and pour need not from this western city Ba lord that gets what advantage.As long as can declare to support in the time of key under, the purpose of city center comes to a.Even if the Phoenix will really want a person to help, it makes fox loyalty they can't promise, either.
East city's helping has already also come home from not get they dawdle.Once the meeting spread and receive insect and king too very and then respectively leave, so as not to night the long dream is many.
Sit on the car, the king too very and still is calculating how to open mouth.Perhaps he is surprisingly, this western city blunt cannon in the sky, be took a root at blue enchantress of s è smoke get handsome man.
The night s è of west city compared with nowise lousy s è in the city center, the large shopping market wife flows to flow out, everywhere can see hold the hand warm and affectionate lovers.
"This blunt sky of cannon is affirmative not deal with."The king too very sits after car r ó u to wear a forehead way.
Section 204 pure feeling the team of 5 youths gathers a head
The combustion rose Du Luo of will to fight to return battlefield afresh under the encouragement of Yin extraordinary talent, ignore Wang Qiao's face s how è is difficult see, still enthusiasm don't reduce..According to bubble of time regulation, 9-10:00 this time the segment isn't a prime time.The truely old bird can't appear no longer than 12:00, can now 100 joy m é ns already the person Be full to bring trouble, all person who waits seat in the m é n hall, field the meaning that person in the son still don't withdraw.
Guo Hao and Li Lei, also have pure feeling another two within the team of young man 5 people:Ping Jin Long and y ù Sen appeared.2 people are same surnames, but is have no some kindred.The 2 people the x ì ng spaces all belong to more introverted of, but Ping Jin Long a little bit j ī the ng order clearly, the y ù Sen looks silent get many.
"Sit!All sit!"The Yin extraordinary talent crying need gets around, Du Luo often throw, you understand I understand everyone understands of look in the eyes, let 800% small supermans soon collapse.
The y ù Sen sits at most outside, Ping Jin Long pours is depend in some,dr dre beats, however have Guo Hao and Li Lei at, also have no seat and Yin extraordinary talent again close to some.
The topic that can chat of the of several teacher and pupils are also few, mostly is a Yin extraordinary talent is inquiring, a few small disciple answers.Start to drink wine come just a little bit very some, even all of Zhang Feng and y ù Sens is on doing it, is very generous.
"Mouse, these nv person how looking at so unfamiliar?"The Yin extraordinary talent points at to shuttle in the crowd of the nv waiter ask a way.
These nv person's enthusiasm is well-trained, the but again doesn't have dust of journey field nv person's sissy and look very is keep an eye.There are severals most beautifully and often be blocked to strike up a conversation, also all very poised and dignified, the character is very high.
Guo Hao Yi listens to the teacher asking words and letting go of wine cup to sit upright a way:"These all come to string field of, 80% is all university student, positive son eight through of the tours fasten management in the hotel professional of, green Long Tang Chu point energy."
"Boon calculates them to know mutually."The Yin extraordinary talent point nods, help green Long Tang is so big one favour, they don't mean bottom just strange ball:"The university student of the nv good, I am to like a nv university student!"
Li Lei Hei's Hey a smile:"Teacher, you really have personal status!Another day I seek a twins and nv students for you, make you old thoroughly hi for a while!"
"Hi you cannon tube!"The Yin extraordinary talent gesticulates y ù to beat, a facial expression of heavenliness:"Teacher I am a decent person, however for a while study knowledge be still can of."
"Inquire into human body physiology?"While talking Li Lei sits far some.
This several personal insides also only Li Lei put open, Guo Hao relates to become intimate with more and just once experienced after the unexpected obstacles a space to become cool-headed many.
"Go back to the subject!"The Yin extraordinary talent stared Li Lei Yi's eye, 1:00 in heart not angered, five disciples all dead atmospherely on the contrary dull:"You all know south the city was our sites now, my a person also managed not to come over, so want to give you under the opportunity experience and training."
In addition to Guo Hao, other four people are all at present a bright, even Zhang Feng is no exception.South the city contain much illegitimate profit, this root need not say and only see green to help ability f é the i become so, be imaginable.
Li Lei compete first raises hand:"Teacher, I first m á o hence recommend!This isn't the small matter of a field son, I was foolish in the casino segment time, the affair on the way also knows a lot, so only having me is quite the cheese!"
"What about you?Mouse."The Yin extraordinary talent didn't agree didn't also oppose, but ask toward Guo Hao.
Wanted to descend, Guo Hao ashamedly smiled:"Teacher doesn't deceive you to say, these 100 the joy m é n a field son I have fun not, really chase south the city ji ā o to me, in the mind some bottom also has no."
The Yin extraordinary talent point nods:"This is big truth, say that the sentence isn't good to listen, you fives are each skill that all has no to take charge of a city area alone, however since said to is experience and training, had me to stay in here, you also feared to mess up!How to should make how make, don't fear to have an accident!100 joy m é ns this kind of sub- point of departure is too low, I don't hope that your a few prince Yes is a soil terrapin that see a son!"
5 people were all silent don't talk, in addition to Zhang Feng, other 4 people are regarded as there is no serious business to be done.The city of the south but the industrial area of X City, want in that development affirmation compare see break bar much stronger.All of Ping Jin Long and y ù Sens is a little bit from the vulgar person, so have never sought Yin extraordinary talent, hear now the so big load son drop down, the in the mind is happy but still silent not language.
"Small bedlamite, you say!"The Yin extraordinary talent kneaded to knead Zhang Feng r ò the u shout of face, directly give to have a new nickname.
"Is green to help at of time, the south city in fact didn't develop, on the contrary because of green many old ruleses helping are subjected to a check and supervision."Zhang Feng swayed to sway the generous openings way on the head:"We didn't also change after taking up what mode, if think to be later really the city mold the south gather treasure basin, we are black to help to keep out of it, join to go in the general situation of economic development."
Zhang Feng stop down, see Yin extraordinary talent as if deep in thought of appearance, just continue to open mouth:"Although the X City is a provincial capital,the o of ji ā don't calculate very conveniently and compare with a circumlittoral city to come to nothing important too great advantage!The industry also only has a development on high new science and technology, and above also gives the high new science and technology factory many special policies for these two years, I feel the development that we want to start first from this aspect, make an effort to guarantee them, then compulsorily join from partnership!"
The Yin extraordinary talent point nods, Zhang Feng's analysis is slightly childish, but is also have some truth.Most at least these other several individuals are surprisingly, a flower to spend big little also be regarded as quite good.
"The city of the south ji ā the o give you five, the ugly words say fore head, if the profits compares little words before, oneself took a board to take off pants to see me!"The Yin extraordinary talent also claps plank very generously:"Zhang Feng don't go first, you arrive a gold apple company heel at your Chen Jing's elder sister that studies study!"
Since is what Yin extraordinary talent claps plank decision, they the natural nothing important words say so much.Zhang Feng there beats hello doesn't go is also similar, anyway having Phoenix wills inhibit and is also not afraid of those old things to take advantage of an opportunity to make what pattern.
The wine leads three to cruise, the Yin extraordinary talent feels that the nothing important meaning was also.The thing packing in brain is too many, always has a little indisposition and lets their five people leaves aggregate at this kind of place that quarrel, starts be leaving.
"Wang Shi Jie, that, you want not to be going to and see red will they?"If the Yin extraordinary talent think of Wang Qiao, heart bang bang is some expectation very much.
Wang Qiao orders, the heel is chattering without stopping of Du Luo's receiving don't beat and ascended for the Ku the arm of Yin extraordinary talent but go.
The Yin extraordinary talent is again a head of sweat to turn head blunt Du Luo to helplessly smile suddenly and violently.But discover Luo of Du doesn't mind of flicked to wave hand, this good person's eldest brother basically didn't think more, completely didn't be the Yin extraordinary talent as latent rival in love.
Li Lei Yi the belly in cup wine, shake:"Is alas, the teacher is a teacher, nearby always necessary beautiful nv, true Related articles:

