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Hesitate ground to ask:The " pleases ask-this fire-pit can we not jump?" See a side have already whetted knife Huo Huo of forest hideous smile way:The " doesn't go!The manuscript has been already welled weaves, you can keep on playing!The besides appropriate fire can let the forest even have source of vitality and vitality, do you say that I will give up!?True benzene!" Pure Chuan and have an end:"......The " spends pear& amp;lt;3-2415:02& amps;gt;
Read:I admit that top that book review is what I what stuff overdo think indiscriminately, forest you literally see be, just go fetch to have position, however is also fact a little bit according to, front of the person fall a horse in succession, if these two personal words for leading so much, the knowing reason unbalance of previous those people and their advocators oh!Spend pear& amp;lt;3-2415:11& amps;gt;
Read:But if fruit pure Chuan Zi different idea with have a pure end clearly together of words, pure Chuan rather son impossible forever with have the end one Mi together!Because have end one Mi isn't likely to marry a mother of the rival in love daughter comes to make the mother looking at pain and sufferings, the father looking at to think of!Unless he wants to marry pure Chuan rather son to cancel pure Chuan Zi and have a pure end clearly together of the last silk wildly read, would attain this one step.as for have a pure end clearly, if knew to have the pure Chuan Che such a son, the pure Chuan Zi is again willing to live together with him of words, if ever end one Mi piteously entreat(do not say an end first one Mi will can't entreat), he will also let go of original the whole with pure Chuan Zi together.flower pear& amp;lt;3-2415:24& amps;gt;
Read:There is a pure end being not a clearly after all depend then household can keep on living of Be getting less fool, oneself pursued happiness that the greater half livings all with extreme ease, why doesn't that catch!?Was much less to miss this time the opportunity can't come again, so have the end one Mi to absolutely have no way to advise an end under the sistuation that the pure Chuan Zi promises pure turn head clearly.but have the end one Mi be willing to under the sistuation that thousand leaves express a love to him the sacrifice marry pure Chuan by himself/herself is the son rather?He before also hopes own wedding do-it-yourself lord of, change to notice so?BE not very either his behavior of elephant.the flower pear& amp;lt;3-2415:29& amps;gt;
Read:Absolute being, please give tree insight and courage, let her choose a good man, end this darkly of road.....!Hey Hey....The 蓂 Jia& amp;lt;3-2415:31& amps;gt;
Read:But if have the end one Mi really and marry to settle Chuan rather son, the pure Chuan Che was probably also judged death penalty by thousand leaves. after all many farmlands was handsome to make track for thousand leaves to make track for so hard in those early years in addition to age and ascended an original factor, have who can say that another important main factor isn't the factor that he is many farmlands!So can imagine to do to have end one Mi big Jiu son again as the pure Chuan Che with end full brother absolutely is a meeting be dropped by person over of thousand leaves that dead brains of(otherwise many farmlands are handsome to pass forest, I dare to believe that his climbing will climb back of).good elephant this person's feelings already quarrel get one regiment disorderly, be really more want to more feel one word wrong, the full dish all falls Suo!Spend pear& amp;lt;3-2415:56& amps;gt;
Read:There aring anyway ending and pure Chuan absolutely can not own the happy at the same time, at least when their life hands over to remit on thousand leaf trees.they can choose is two people to unfortunately still only have a personal misery.really want and see can have in a son gets there is pure end under the happy circumstance hope clearly which happiness, again or the pure Chuan Zi is in the pure Chuan Che and the pure Chuan rather the happy of son how will choose(as for she by herself probably of happiness, she probably all didn't dare to think), all of these are the possible occurrence of.flower pear& amp;lt;3-2416:08& amps;gt;
Read:However in addition to these, I want to know if have the end pure Chuan two brotherses really gloomy come off stage words, many farmlands are handsome will take advantage of an opportunity to kill back?If was that to play so much, in fact I still expect this appearing of person very much!This time all about, I also a bow to come off stage go to~~~the flower pear& amp;lt;3-2416:13& amps;gt;
Write:Please don't analyze too meticulous, if all make you finish saying, does the author still have an existent necessity==?Cut up rough in...Smile.The forest recreation class& amp;lt;3-2723:36& amps;gt;
Read:[Essence]Alas!, flower pear, you also brush Be getting tooer many?Ha ha, anyway last thousand leaveses are sad also good, pleased also good, the whole exert in the control of forest, HOHOHO, delicate also need not worried.Etc. consumedly finishes writing, my plan re- sees again once, , to, I suddenly thought of, consumedly of the book, use to cure brokenhearted certain the effect is quite good, willing forget because of lookinging at is own of brokenhearted, but start to worry thousand leaves come, ha ha, accident, absolutely is accident.:The idea& amp of P Vinaceous Rosefinch;lt;3-2809:06& amps;gt;
Write:It is quite good...Can there is effect like this, proved this book to isn't good for nothing at least==.Smile.The forest recreation class& amp;lt;3-3022:22& amps;gt;
Read:Again till Friday~~~meeting too meticulous?Ha ha~~because front two chapter details have a little mild, so guess that mild river bottom to conceal how of undercurrent~~how exactly develop to still want to see forest to write how.however have already worked well to prepare to greet the tragedy that thousand leaves will soon arrive as well.the flower pear& amp;lt;3-3112:29& amps;gt;
Write:Not is to criticize you, is crying up you, you are really severe, think so completely, some clueses, haven't I so in earnest once combed by myself ^^ .Compare to a detective, reason logically what clueses all to, so,cheap beats by dre, the quasi offence member how should carry out criminal offence==?Smile.The forest recreation class& amp;lt;4-914:19& amps;gt;
Read:Net friend:Diver commentary:《On the dark river 》 beats a cent:2 announce time:2006-03-2401:07:02 review a chapter:276
Finish, thousand leaves and a Mi had no a drama again, ah!
Read:Net friend:Luoluo commentary:《On the dark river 》 beats a cent:2 announce time:2006-03-2413:14:53 review a chapter:276
.........Is super and depressed ……although be not specially like an end …… still keep canning not stand.Want to call names.
Read:Net friend:A commentary:《On the dark river 》 beats a cent:2 announce time:2006-03-2422:22:19 review a chapter:276
Indeed as expected thousand leaves if is so passive again estimate meeting:1, the solitude is eventually old 2, literally marry a what person, 55
Read:Net friend:8 commentaries:《On the dark river 》 beats a cent:2 announce time:2006-03-2511:56:16 review a chapter:276
See really tiredly.
In fact concerning the love, what to mean to say BE, this is really a person's affair.Be needed not be in fear by the person of love, with gratitude good;The lover's person need not be humble, if aware of self because of love ground the person who will love put higher position than he or she, oneself would be a kind of lofty.Certainly, as my personal life attitude, dull approbation for requesting other people.
Although see some paragraphs I mean to say very much, Be'a tree of efflorescence', the leading role really fights to excel very much of diligent spoony;But, if will'love'is a certain symbolic significance to see, battle out\injury\betrayal\pay ……etc. color the rich in hues diagram view is about 1 kind of the comprehension of the author to the life to elaborate?
Frankly speaking, read a hard Be not willing to compromise the work that isn't willing to indulge is too serious.Particularly still pessimism keynote.The pessimist far and far stares at mutually like firmamental stars, it is really a little bit well to get along with a way.Circulate own orbit up, then at fall low of see the other people's shining glory sometimes, comfort oneself is there being still in the world alike companion, although can not keep warm mutually,can shine in glory still mutually.
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