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The plant of star!
Root need not think more, then know.Blue Mo Tian made in this time these plant, by all means have an extremely important function!
"In fact …… I have never thought before …… the strength of this world would agree with thus with my this life strength of …… even if their essence was contrary ……" blue Mo Tian's a twittering, the owners didn't listen to pure.
But, descend a moment, blue Mo Tian's right hand also moved!Take pure thunder light, the one punch bombs at ground it!
The quiver of the earth is more getting violent more ……just,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, this isn't the most important.Most important of is ……that thunder light is from the ground after gushing, overalied those blue of peculiar plant, moment, let these blue plant exhaustive"lived"!
The plant incarnation became fierce beasts and rushed toward to come over toward leaf Zheng in succession!
Thus one act, it is thus to look of struck with fright or horror, as if absolute being founded a world general, it make people feel matchless shocked!This what kind of actually a kind of strength!
Leaf Zheng eye pupil suddenly constringency, the at heart is suffused with the crisis feeling of the pole of having a mightiness!Under the circumstance like this, the root has no place can hide!Move in a sudden is there is distance, this square number 100 meters inside, whole is plant sea, his root can not hide!
Only ……squared!
Long Ying Jian the true incarnation became an Ultrasaurus at the moment, all plants for rushing toward were in succession sliced by it smash!
But, a moment is smashed of plant, descended a moment to have a new plant to grow, basically in addition to it doesn't exert!If this continues, tired will chase leaf Zheng dead tired!
However, these return just start, don't end!
Blue Mo Tian Dong!Walk in the blue plant sea, heading for of one step one step leaf Zheng!Across an one step each time, the thunder knife of his hand, purple thunder lights will become strong penny!Action like this ……the owners are all not unfamiliar!
Yes!Xu power!Blue and graceful strong meeting of, blue Mo Tian how again probably can't?
"This is you the opportunity finally ……" the light way of blue Mo Tian, in the tone but take Lin however of murderous look!
Who didn't thought of, in the blink of an eye, leaf Zheng falls into an absolute leeway!At this time, he has been being entwined by the surrounding crary plant, where sometimes does prepare to should is one shot to the next thunderbolt of blue Mo Tian?This time ……really have already sunk into dangerous place of doom!
It is also bitter in the leaf Zheng heart.He even wanted to now start "Long Wang condescends to come"!But ……do not go!Really don't go!Even if start status like that, crisis got away from at present, he also at whole fell into a leeway!Blue Mo Tian didn't take out homologous cards in the hand, he how can first card?
Realm in the time and space opens!
On grinding teeth, realm in the time and space immediately filled the air to open!
Time delays!
This special ability isn't a function at the whose body at this time, but formed a status that the Heng settles, around at leaf Zheng of nearby!
Time delays status a , leaf Zheng's cutting a ground blue plant is immediately suppressed by 1 kind, the rebirth became excrescent slowness!
This is a turning point!Is some excited in numerous player hearts.Unexpectatively so quick leaf Zheng took out a method for replying.
But, in the superiors eyes of dignified haven't spread.Because, they see come out, the biggest threat isn't these plant sea at this time, but is blue Mo Tian whom that one step one step comes over here!
The blue plant is inhibitted by realm strength, make leaf Zheng free and diverted to come out should to blue Mo Tian.
But, don't see not to know, a see under, leaf Zheng at heart of shocked absolutely can not speech!
At the moment blue Mo Tian, the vehemence rose to an extremely terrible territory ground!Have already exceeded that pale blue graceful strong highest point time of existence!Next one shot ……root need not doubt!A shot that by all means is surprised sky of!
Speaking of to come is so many, actual 2 people's distance is always very near!
Finally, blue Mo Tian Zou to leaf Zheng's near front!
"Seeing to you weren't willing to give up ……so, you die!"Blue Mo Tian Yan in purple of thunder light the flicker don't stop, the purgatory thunder in hand knife split down!
Knife, the thunder rings, of not only is a knife, the purple thunder and lightning covering with remits to gather 1:00, directly bombed down!This a moment, space thoroughly drive this kind of strength to seal to die!Under this kind of strength, leaf Zheng doesn't also want to use the slightest space strength!This is the absolute strength to inhibit!
Put together!
Feel among them that absolutely can match in excellence 93 class Bs the strength of the one shot with all strength, the leaf Zheng facial expression also became some pale to get up.Set off in the purple thunder light just under, who also can not see clearly just!
Don't hesitate, leaf Zheng's body shone together translucent golden light, how don't beat the band.At the same time, Long Ying Jian's incarnation in hand 100001000, headed for blue Mo Tian's thunder knife, unexpectedly fall in that to cause death most to the air of thunder only not smell ignore!
Bomb!The knife sword connects, the thunder comes a body!
Of in a flash, the dazzling purple thunder only and almost makes numerous people become blind!This a moment, they even if the at heart is anxious, also completely saw not pure to exactly take place what!
O.K., this kind of status didn't keep on much long time.After slow eyes came over, the superiors momentary opened a double eye and hoped toward the platform.
Platform, the purgatory thunder knife connects with Long Ying Jian and imitated a Buddha for time to solidify in this a moment general!
Leaf Zheng and blue Mo Tian who don't also move!Just, but the superiors at heart is a cool:What being clear can see BE, at the moment, the thunder and lightning still keeps keeping gleaming, but has in leaf Zheng's eyes in blue Mo Tian Yan a silk ash hurts of color!
Hurt?It rose a doubt like this in the heart of the superiors.
Although, system didn't declare game be over, but, see this circumstance, did leaf Zheng seemed to suffer from not light wound?
When the public doubt is in succession, the appearance solidifying finally moved.
Burst Chi!Is a to lightly ring, leaf Zheng drive the strength earthquake that break out just at the moment poured to fly to go out, the eruptive blood in spread to fall full sky of!
Spray blood what of ……everyone also become accustomed to, don't feel strange.Truely make numerous people surprised to exhale a voice, even what someone cannots help but crying is ……the left hand of leaf Zheng one burned black, impressively broke to open!Together elbow but break!
The wound is to have never been subjected to ……but, some people would rather die, is also not wish own body is hurt!This represents, own war capability will be connecting down to tee off huge discount!
Who all surprisingly is ……this fights and exerts however horrifying go to this!One shot under, Long Wang breaks elbow!
Connect down ……this war still how beat?
The Nu of chapter 485 absolute being dragon-wild leaf Zheng!
In fact, under this a shot of the terror, leaf Zheng originally should die of ……just, key of time, he start"converse the universe", reduce to harm 60%, this just by luck lived down.
However, in order not to that terrible thunder only shoot his/her own head vital part, leaf Zheng helpless can be resisted with the left hand.He didn't also thought of, a shot after, incredibly will result in thus a terrible result!
See leaf Zheng suffering from so heavy wound, having been watching in the distance and putting the small silver white of hand not to quickly fly to come over and give° leaf Zheng to answer down.
She deplored greatly.But, so the combat of degree, common status of she really puts a hand not.Have no allowing of leaf Zheng, she also didn't wanted to want independence to change body.At the moment, the small silver white regretted, should not listen to leaf Zheng of ……
Looking at small silver white to pick up leaf Zheng down, blue Mo Tian Shou's knife but sign, don't make track for.Isn't that he suddenly became kindness, but, so strong one shot after, he also has no ability to make track for again to kill go to, need to be adjusted well own status for a while.
Blue Mo Tian is also really to have no language, attack like this under, even want oneselfs half life, unexpectedly leaf Zheng is incredibly strong line of to hold up, hadn't died!He didn't know as well what good.
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